Is there two alcaeus's? please help.


New Member
I am doing research on Amphitryon, and am looking for information on his father King Alcaeus of Tiryns.

When i search for Alcaeus i am getting information for a Poet around 620bce? not a king. Was there two Alcaeus in the Greek Myths, if someone could clear this up for me that would be great.


Active Member
In Greek mythology there were at least 6 Alkaioi [Alcaei, "Alcaeus~es"], the best-known one being the one you're asking about: Amphitryon's dad. (The Athenian poet you've mentioned is one of several famous historical ["real-life"] figures bearing the same name.)

The mythical king Alkaios [Alcaeus] was one of the seven sons (perhaps the third-born of them) of the hero Perseus, a son of Zeus famous for having slain the Gorgon Medusa. Alkaios' mother, Perseus' wife Andromeda, was a princess of Aithiopia [Ethiopia], and herself a descendant of Zeus and Poseidon. Alkaios was probably born after his brothers Perses and Mestor, and his sister Gorgophone. Alkaios, Mestor and another brother, Sthenelos [Sthenelus], were married to daughters of Pelops. Alkaios' wife was called Astydameia, although there is an alternate version in which Alkaios is married to the Theban princess Hipponome. In yet one other version Alkaios' wife was Laonome, the daughter of an otherwise unknown Arcadian named Guneus.

Pittheus, a son of Pelops and therefore a brother-in-law of Alkaios, founded the city of Troizenos [Troezen] in the territory ruled by the sons of Perseus. Alkaios became a co-ruler of the city together with Pittheus, who would later become grandfather of Theseus, who would gain fame for killing the Minotaur.

Alkaios had a daughter Anaxo, therefore sister of Amphitryon, who he married to his own brother, her uncle Elektryon [Electryon]. Anaxo and Elektryon became the parents of Alkmene [Alcmene], who grew up to marry Amphitryon, who was thus both her cousin and her uncle. Alkmene bore Amphitryon a son and a daughter, and she also was the mother by Zeus of the greatest Greek hero Herakles [Heracles], whom the Romans called Hercules. Alkaios is also said to have had a third child, a daughter named Perimede, who married her own cousin Likymnios [Licymnius], the illegitimate son of Elektryon by a slave named Mideia.

When Herakles was born, Amphitryon named him Alkaios, after Amphitryon's own father, or he called him Alkides [Alcides], "[Son] Of Alkaios." Herakles later changed his name after he had, in a fit of madness, killed his own wife and children, and was attempting to appease his stepmother the goddess Hera by calling himself "Hera's Glory," which is what Herakles means.

Herakles himself had a son named Alkaios, whom he had sired upon a Lydian slave, and whose descendants were kings of Lydia. This Alkaios is otherwise said to have been called Kleolaos [Cleolaus].

Another Alkaios was a king of Paros who was involved in a misadventure with Herakles. For details on him and another mythical Alkaios who fought in the Trojan War, see here:

For more on Amphitryon, check this out:


New Member
Alcaeus/Ay was the brother of Electryon/Alectryon['rooster/cockerel/gallus/halaka'];a name for Helios/Atum/Horus/Sun/Amunhotep III.
The eagle[aquila/aetos] was sacred to Mercury/Boreas/Aquilo[husband of Aegle].
Electryone/Alectrona,daughter of Helios[Electryon/Sun god] on Rhodes.
Perseus=Mithras/Mitra[Revanta/Theseus],the Persian god of the evening star[Misharu/'Law'/Osiris].Ahura Mazda/Hormuzd=Shamash/Surya/Apollo/Khepri[god of Spring].
As god of Spring linked to the Sun in Spring.Shamash/Nergal/Reshef=Mars[Aplu Enlil/Apollo].
Andromeda[Meda/Scylla] is a name for Eos/Isis/Iset/Io[ Dawn/Aurora/Ushas/Iusaaset].Ganesha/Ganymede=
Horus[Aquarius].Argus Panoptes=Perseus of Argos.Hermes[Thoth/Thoas/Da'ud/David/Fionn/Gwyn]=Taurus constellation[Apis].See myth of Cambyses of Persia[Perseus/Mithras/Theseus] killing Apis bull[Haoma].
Cyclops/Cocles/Goll[one-eyed]=Goliath/Galyat/Orion/Polyphemus=Gaul/Gogledd['north' of Rome].
Setanta/Cuchulainn[Canicula/Canis Minor/son of Set/Caeneus/Caenis]=Cerberus/Anubis/Hermes/Thoth.
Cult of Lynceus probably spead to Lugdunum/Lyon from Pisa in Etruria/Tuscany.Balor=Sun-god/Atum/Horus.
Theseus[Perseus/Mitra] linked to Orion and Minotaur/Haoma/Moon-god linked to constellation Lepus/Hare-god and constellation Taurus[Jonah/Pelias/Dove/Cedalion/Gu(d)galanna/Apis].
Arcturus[Bootes]=Phasis River in Colchis.Cygnus constellation =tree in which was the golden fleece[Corona Borealis/ball of golden flax/wool given by Ariadne to Theseus].Draco above Arcturus guards golden fleece.Argo Navis to the south.Cygnus constellation=tree of golden apples[Abel/Abellio] guarded by Draco/Ladon and Hesperides[Lyra].Aeetes['eagle']=Aquila constellation.Ursa Minor=Atlas/Jason/Cain[immortal].
Min[Pan/Paean/Cronus/Priapus/Prajapati/Frey(r)/Frikko/Phrixus/Atys] was from Chemmis/Akhmim.
Ismenian serpent =Serpens Cauda of Ophiuchus[Eshmun].Cadmus=constellation Aquila[Mercury/Adam/Enlil].
Apollo=Surya/Shamash/Mars/Nergal/Lug/Lynceus/Lyncus/lynx of Chemmis.Demeter=Saranyu[Sirona/Aphrodite/Artemis/Seren/Ishtar/Stilbe].
Surya[Apollo] and Saranyu[Stilbe] were the parents of Lapithus/Yama and Centaurus/Revanta/Ashvin.Revanta=Mithras/Perseus/Theseus/Misharu/Argus Panoptes.
Atum=Helios/Horus[Sun-god/god of Autumn] and was often confused with Surya[god of Spring].
Athena Hellotis=Europa Hellotis/Gaea/Ge/Tefnut[daughter of Atum/Helios].Hel[Helice]=Nephthys.
Ashvins[Nasatyas]=Centaurs[Yama and Revanta].Nephele=Chhaya[shadow of Saranyu].
Chhaya linked to Gaea/Gaia[Mother Earth],and so was the mother of Shani[Cronus/Saturn].Shani=Bata/Attis/Atys/Wepwawet/Lycus/Lycaon/Lycomedes.Nephthys=Deidamia.
Stilbe[Nut/Venus] should be the daughter of Stilbon/Mercury[Shu].
Cygnus [Cycnus] constellation =Ornis['bird']=Ornytion/Apollo/Zu/Ziu/Tiw/Mars=Olor/Alarch[Cob/Keb/Geb].
Thoas=Thoth/Hermes/Moon-god/Proetus/Tydeus[tad/dad/abas/tide/apas/hapi/Nile flood]/Anpu.
Tydeus had an image of the Moon on his shield and fought and died at the Proetid gate of Thebes.Hermes=Eshmun/
Asclepius,said to be Apollo's son[actually grandson].Asclepius was the son of Sisyphus/Dionysus[Osiris] and Ariadne
Anna Perenna=Hannahanna/Diana/Artemis/Inanna/Ino/Venus/Ishtar/Themis(to)[wife of Mars Pyroeis/Ares and wife of Hephaestus/Min/Shani/Wepwawet/Athamas/Tammuz].Hannahanna='grandmother'.Rhea Silvia=Repit[wife of Min/Pan].See Pitys/Pine[Silvia=tree].See Mars Silvanus.Anna=Anahita/Medea/Angitia.
Cycnus[Apollo]=Mars Pyroeis['Fiery']=Saon/Samon/Samson/Shamash/Samos[real father of Icarus].
Oenops=Oenopion[Odysseus/Odin/Raven-god/Corax/Corvinus/Ceryx]=Hermes/Arma/Moon-god[wrongly confused with Mercury at Rome].Actor=Actaeon[Tammuz/Cronus/Coronus/Bran/Crow/Corvus;see brand
etymology in Wiktionary for word association].Horus=Aeon/Aion[son of Persephone/Isis at Alexandria].
Hermes[Uranus/Anu/Gu(d)galanna/Haoma/Minotaur/Men]=Taurus[bull castrated].
In Greek myth often sons of the god are simply epithets of the god in question[see Pans and Cycnus son of Ares].
Actaeon[son of Aristaeus] another example of this annoying custom.
Erinys=Nemesis/Demeter/Cybele/Rhea[Repit/Rhea Silvia/Rhea Pitys],wife of Min/Pan/Cronus and daughter of Uranus and Gaia.Erinys/Erinyes[triplism] also wife of Ares[Nergal/Nereus].
Sow=planting seed and female pig=Demeter[pigs/piglets sacrificed to Demeter]/Nut[depicted as a sow]/Reret['sow']/
Opet/Ipet/Taweret[Ursa Major]/Ide/Ida/Idaea/Cybele.Cybele=Rhea/Ops=Fauna/Fatua/Bona Dea=Bateia/Myrina=
Atropos/Fata[Triphis/Repit/Het-Repit].St Ide=Deirdre[Derdriu]=Dryad/Eurydice.Orpheus=Apollo/Ares/Shamash/Samson.
Comaetho[wife/consort,not daughter,of her victim] = Scylla.
Juno[Maia/Selene/Luna] was the daughter of Ops.The name Triphis may be the reason for three[tri] goddesses[Artemis/Aphrodite/Demeter] in Greek myth instead of just one [Venus].Triphis was a
goddess of love[Inanna/Ishtar/Astarte].Tammuz/Dumuzi=Duamutef/Wepwawet[Lycus]=Hephaestus/Cronus.
Arachne=Ariagne/Ariadne/Erigone/Anticleia/Deianira[black widow spider myth]=Nephthys/Nebhet.
Tauropolis[Taurus/Haoma/Minotaur/Asterius/Aldebaran].Stabula=Stable[where Jesus born].Thoth=Da'ud/
David[born in Beth Lehem].Solomon [Shulmanu/Saturn] -his reign saw the building of the Temple of Solomon
[see Ptah]and a 'golden age' for Israel[see Saturn/Cronus].
Helen(e) is an archaic version of Selene[Pasiphae/Ino] and is used as a name for Ankhsenamun/Ankhsenpaaton,
due to her desire to wed Prince Zananzash[Zan on Crete=Zeus,husband of Hera/Selene].Menelaus=Ay[linked to
Min(os)].Absyrtos Phaethon[son of Aeetes/Eetion,son of Helios] = Tutankhamun/Tutankhaton.Nicostratus=
Amunhotep III[Amram].Adrastus=Akhenaton.Tiresias=Yuya/Joseph.Clytemnestra=Isis[third wife and daughter of Nubmaetra Amunhotep III.Megapenthes/Pentheus=Akhenaton[monotheist].Eetion=Kadmilos of Samothrace.
Hermione=Harmonia[Nefertiti/Tefnut].Astyanax[City great king/City King of kings]=Muwatallish,king of Hatti/
Hattusas].Anax was the title of Agamemnon as high king of petty kings[basilii].
Alope=Halabatu/Hebat[goddess of Halab/Halap/Aleppo],wife of Hadad/Tarhun(t)/Zeus and Telipinu/Set/Yam.
Hippothoon=Hippolytus[Anubis/Alopeus].Anubis[Canis Minor] was the herald of Isis[Sirius] and Wepwawet
[Capricorn] was the herald of Osiris/Orion.
Laz=Artemis Cynthia[Anahita Aban/Medea/Angitia/Anguitia/Danae Abantias/Nut/Atalanta Abantias/Thetis/Danu/Diana].
Lazica=Colchis.Artemis Alpheiaea=Arethusa of Ortygia[naiad]=Aredvi Anahid/Anahita.
Abas['father'/Apas/'waters']=Anu/Uranus/Aba of Agade/Agdistis/Hermes[Moon-god].
Ophion=Apophis/Apep[Draco/Ophis/Iphis/Apis/Epaphus] killed by Rhea[Sekhmet/Bast/Ubast/Ursa Major/Callisto/Aphrodite].Arthur Pendragon=Serapis[Osiris-Apis].Bootes=Dionysus.Draco=Apis.
Aegialeus=Egil One-Hand/Tiw/Ares/Balder.Olrun/Ailrun=Larantia or Ailuros[Bast].
Hodr[Ursa Minor/Wepwawet/Lycus/Atlas/Cronus/Titan/Tatenen/Ptah] was Odin's son.Odin=Hermes Logios/Logus/Word/Apophis/Apas/Abas.Proserpina=Isis,older sister of Nephthys[Sarpanitu/serpent].
Bel Marduk[Set] of Babylon defeated Ashur[Anshar/Osiris/Asar/Orion/Assyria].Taurus mountains west of Ashur[Orion].
Mars[Ares/Laran/Apollo/Camulos] by Rhea Silvia[Repit/Larantia/Lupa,also wife of Hephaestus/Lycus] was the father of Romulus[Telephus/Telepinu/Dryas/Quirinus/linked to Julius Caesar/Meleager/Melqart/Hercules/Set]
and Remus[Osiris/Dionysus/Hades Clymenus/Parthenopaeus/Oeneus/Pompey/Toxeus].Julius Caesar went on numerous labours/expeditions and was linked with Cleopatra[Meleager's wife] and killed by senators[Curetes] in the curia[senate house].
Octavian[oct=eight,see octopus] linked to Eshmun['eighth']/Asclepius/Anpu/Odin of Aesir and Asgard/
Ais -caleb/Anu/Ophion/Ophiuchus/Uranus].August 8th month of Julian calendar.
Tiberius of Capri linked to Pan;see story of death of Pan[half-goat]
in Tiberius' reign recounted by Thamus,according to Pliny.Pan=Cronus.
Gaius[Caligula] survived a fraught childhood/youth[see Zeus' childhood] to be Tiberius' heir.The Curetes/
Corybantes are said to have protected Zeus when he was a baby.
Athamas[Atum/Helios] was the father of Adam[Aeetes/Khadmos/Cadmus] and Helle/Hellotis/Europa/Eve/Ewe.
Adam and Eve were the parents of Ares[Aries/Arsaphes/Reshef/Apollo/Abelio/Polydorus/Samildanach/Lug] and Aphrodite.Europa[Nephele] was also the mother of Phrixus[Cain/Cronus/Gobhniu/Atys/Gibil/Jason/Edonus] by Taurus/Haoma/Anu.Aries/Krios/Crius saved Phrixus,who then sacrified ram[Abel].
Musaeus[prophet/seer]=Musa/Moses[Akhenaton].Musaeus was the teacher of Orpheus[son of the Muse Calliope] and father of the Thracian Eumolpus['good-singer'].Orpheus[orphan]/Eumolpus=Tutankhamun.
Muses=Hyades/Heliades/Hyacinthides[Athena/Tefnut/Gaia/Nefertiti/Chione/Snow White/Chih Nu/Lyra].
Germanic word'harp' linked to Orpheus?
Uther/Uthr and Eigr the parents of Arthur=Aethra[Pitys],mother of Theseus/Arthur Pendragon[Bootes and Draco].
Cygnus=Sword.Cepheus[Peter/Petrus]=stone.See sword under stone of Theseus and sword in stone of Arthur myth.
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