What goddess would you like to have a relationship with?


So, this thread is for all the male users of this forum...

If you could choose one goddess from any mythology to be your girlfriend / wife, which one would it be? Don't forget to mention the reasons for your choice. :)

My personal choice would be either Artemis, the Greek, virgin goddess of the woods, or Idunna, the Norse goddess of eternal youth... The former is the only Greek goddess that is both beautiful and a virgin, while the latter was my most favorite character from Norse mythology. The way she is depicted is absolutely breathtaking.


Active Member
Ha ha, fun question.
I would like to say Athena. I'm kind of attracted to strong women, and being the goddess of war she kicks ass.
She is depicted as stately and beautiful, and she is always willing to help a hero in need.
But being a committed virgin, she would probably turn me into a newt if I made any advances.


I'm not attracted to women, so no goddess would be my wife or girlfriend.

However, I've always felt a strong affinity for Athena, and in ancient times would certainly be her devotee, priest, or champion.


Active Member
Though I'm a woman I am also attracted to women so I'll give it a crack.
If I could have my choices I'd have Venus-she's the goddess of love and beauty!
Minerva would be pretty cool. She is bad-ass and a virgin so that'd be a double conquest! Also Diana was a virgin goddess and she's the goddess of the hunt so that would be pretty fun. She's also the goddess of childbirth and I love kids.
Preserpine is cool, but I would be too terrified to try and steal her from Pluto, same with Juno. All the goddesses were pretty great, but Venus is definately my favorite.


Active Member
After reading The Odyssey, Athena would be my choice. I think Homer describes her as having grey eyes. Wow! She would be quite a challenge though. Probably more than I could ever hope to handle. I'm attracted to strong, somewhat masculine women, but not men. Being a man myself, I don't think men are very interesting, a least not as potential love interests.