Virgin goddesses/gods


Hi, Last Spartan, welcome to the Myth Forum! :)

Nike (victory) is a complicated goddess, because you have her genealogy on one hand saying she is the winged daughter of Pallas and Styx and sister to Zelos (zeal), Bia (force), and Kratos (strength); you also have her being identified as a daughter of Ares (perhaps as form of Harmonia? of one of Ares' Amazon daughters). Nike is also strongly identified with Athena Nike. But, as she is described as crowning victors in war/battle/contests/gymnasium/athletics/Games.

It might be she was thought a virgin goddess (which all men desire), or a goddess who crowned her favored men/mortals (making the victors) as consorts to her (as long as Zeus/Themis decreed (divine law and order).