Time Travel


Time Travel

Do you think that humans will ever be able to travel through time, or is it all the work of people who write sci-fi?


New Member
I'm not sure at all because I haven't been following the more recent technology about it, but it's a wonderful storyline and one that I've loved for years in books and films.


New Member
Yes i do think it will be possible. We recently beamed matter to another location. Im sure we will figure out how time (as we call it) works. I mean really humans invented how time is measured. We know nothing about it.


New Member
Not to go against others, but I really don't think this is possible. I mean, then we would have to assume that everything we have ever lived is always constantly going on in some time continuum. It just doesn't seem realistic, or maybe it's just something our brains can't grasp. :)


New Member
I agree ...it's a little bit like getting into a big discussion about quatuum theory when you've had too many drinks ...it's fun at first and then you're head starts to hurt from having to use your brain too much at the wrong time.
Time travel has some logic to it, but it makes my head hurt to think about it too much lol.


New Member
Personally, I think humans mess with enough stuff (the environment) and that we shouldn't go messing with space-time.

I know that scientists recently had some luck with increasing and decreasing with the speed of light. If that is no longer a constant, but rather manipulated, they'll probably figure out some way to do it with time as well.


New Member
I think that humans will pretty easily be able to go to the future, they just won't be able to come back. Going into the future is as simple as moving close to the speed of light for a long time. After a while, one year in your time, it'll be ten years in Earth time.

...wait... moving at the speed of light isn't easy... never mind then :)


New Member
LOL I was reading along there and getting sort of mad that you were being a big mythbuster! Not so fast, right?


New Member
I think as a species we are only limited by our own imaginations. Look at the star trek documentary with science. We have created all of the imagine toys on the show over the years.


Ha, time travel, and humanity? If we can't even mix the general population with intelligence, what hope is there for us being able to time travel?

Actually, with our most intelligent minds, we may be able to invent time travel among other things, but who says we'll be able to control it all that well.

Besides that, a basic principal of time travel is to fold the present into the past, understanding the 10 dimensional theory helps for beginners. (Also, knowledge of string theory would be helpful).

If there is a way to travel through time to a specific point, I would go back to the medieval ages, though, I'd bring a few things with me.

Anywho... if my intelligence actually kicks in, I'd probably destroy the device as well as the plans and notes. Oh, can't forget the people either, things that bend the rules are dangerous, this applies with people in games too.


The Evening Wolf
^ I agree. IF we could, it would be a bad idea. I know I'd end up screwing up all of history. And I'd do it intentionally.


Time travel is a proposterous theory. The time-space continuum would be shattered, thus throwing us into a void if it was attempted and not to mention how much it would mess up society today.