Theme parks

I am writing a paper for one of my courses and I thought, "what better to write about than theme park urban legends?" So far I have found it to be a really interesting topic to write about and research. Disney is abundant with legends to research but other parks are a little harder.

Any urban legends that you've heard about theme parks you would like to share?


It's not really related to a real one (I don't think) but during the song 'Rollercoaster' a woman supposedly got killed outside the recording studio and the soundtrack has her scream on it.


Active Member
I'm not sure if it's an urban legend or not, but I'd heard once that a boy was on a rollercoaster and his hat flew off. He went behind the "DANGER: DO NOT CROSS" fence to retrieve his hat and when the rollercoaster came around his head was kicked clean off by a womans foot as she went overhead. I'm pretty sure that she broke her foot or leg, but poor guy died.
As I said, I'm not sure if it's true or not, but it's pretty crazy nontheless.
The Roller Coaster song story, while not a true story, has always been interesting to me.

As for Nadai's story, yes, that one is true! It happened at Six Flags over Georgia. He was decapitated trying to get his hat. It's a pretty recent story and you can Google it. There's a lot of info about it. It really is a crazy story.


Active Member
The Roller Coaster song story, while not a true story, has always been interesting to me.

As for Nadai's story, yes, that one is true! It happened at Six Flags over Georgia. He was decapitated trying to get his hat. It's a pretty recent story and you can Google it. There's a lot of info about it. It really is a crazy story.
I would feel so awful if I was the woman who kicked his head off! Of course it wasn't her fault, but I couldn't imagine that!
Warning signs are in place for a reason, though.
I'm sure every park that has a haunted house has the urban legend of the person who got off the cars and was killed when they were run over by another car coming through. That's an old, old one and one I've heard many, many times.