The fox in fairy tales


New Member
The fox in fairy tales

Does anyone know why the fox in various tales is always considered cunning and "sly"? Are they that intelligent an animal? Its so interesting to see how some animals are portrayed in old stories.


New Member
I would guess that, yes, they are rather cunning and sly. The attribute was probably given to them since they are so good at sneaking into hen houses etc in the middle of the night and stealing away with the chickens without arousing suspisions. They just look crafty too.


New Member
Actually foxes are known for being very cunning and sly creatures so the stories are not too far off. I think that they get a really bad reputation though. I kind of like them. But then again I don't own a chicken coop.


New Member
Most cultures have trickster tales, where some sort of trickery is a major part of the plot. Foxes often do trick their prey. They often appear sweet and inocent but have razor sharp teeth. Unlike lions, whose authority is made known immediately, foxes resort to trickery to gain the upper hand.


New Member
I never seen a fox. The area i live in has no foxes just raccoons. :p Interesting to hear though it isn't so far fetched.


New Member
I don't have foxes roaming through my backyard either. But a number of people like to hunt them, so foxes must be cunning and sly enough to make a sport of it.


New Member
Heh maybe, they do act cunningly and erm...slyish. Plus...even their face looks like they're planning something bad :)


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Sly Foxes

Yes, foxes are indeed cunning and sly and as stated in an above post, their faces actually LOOK like this. I, too, like them though. There was one who used to come down into our apartment complex when we lived in Colorado. It would come down late at night and look for food. We tried to leave some handy for it.



New Member
I've noticed that their dens have multiple entrances/exits so you just never know when they're going to pop up ... or simply disappear. ;)


New Member
palefrost;100 said:
Its so interesting to see how some animals are portrayed in old stories.
I have to go digging now because I think I have a book somewhere that goes into the roles that different animals play in literature and the reasons for it.



New Member
Yes they are sly, cunning, and very smart. But I don't think they look like their up to something. I think they are stunningly beautiful creatures!