Terrorist deification


New Member
America's brand of self-made libertine consumerism has made it feasible for people to imagine the romance of individualistic courage. It is no wonder that comic books are so popular in the USA.

However, this aura of self-image boldness also is conducive to the romanticization of risk.

It seems that terrorism-inspection Hollywood (USA) movies such as "The Devil's Own" (1997) could, in fact, be made only in America.

Terrorism is an industry of risk, sometimes forwarded by substantial political grievances and iniquity, and sometimes fueled by malice.

Terrorism tales from autonomy struggles throughout history have provided images of wonder and romance and regret. Such tales reinforce the notion that there is a psyche relationship between terrorism and opportunism.

Consider the romance involved, for example, with the terrorist soldiers of the Irish Republican Army (IRA) and the terrorist soldiers of the Algerian Revolution. Both groups used explosives against peaceful civilian hubs. Both groups have been depicted as risk-taking "dark horses." Because Islam does not get as much attention in the world media as Christianity-based religions, the pro-Catholic IRA movement has received more romantic attachments than the Algerian Revolution, even though both are similar in terms of radical republicanism.

The American comic book stylized franchise "G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero" (Hasbro) presents paramilitary fantasy adventure tales about crusaders tackling militant terrorists. These terrorist characters such as Storm Shadow and Baroness seem purely evil, but they do exhibit humanity empathy traits that make them open to romanticization. In fact, these villains are romanticized in several ways in these stories.

Borrowing a terrorist avatar from "G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero" (Hasbro) to deify and ornament a historic IRA or Algerian rogue agent reflects the rather sane idolization of civilization proverb fantasy avatars such as Chef Smurf (a delightful impish gnome who prepares enchanting pastries that create optimism).

Terrorists then comprise an odd human form of fantasy labor contouring.


Active Member
I'm not quite sure I got everything you were trying to say (I'm not all that smart with this type of thing) but I think maybe I get a bit of it, though I'm not sure that you actually asked a question...

You're saying that terrorism has been romanticized by mainstream media. Instead of seeing terrorists as the...trouble-makers...that they are we see them as risk-takers and courageously bold heroes who risk their lives and freedom for their goals and beliefs. Instead of seeing them as inhuman monsters, the media gives them more human qualities like "optimism" and "courage". These terrorists aren't always fueled by hate, but rather by the desire to create change where they feel change is needed. The fact that those Irish terrorists "used explosives against peaceful civilian hubs", wasn't to be considered an act of mass murder, but rather a risky act of dark heroism. I suppose perhaps they were supposed to be protecting the people from the some type of "inequality" or whatever "political grievances" they may have had, but I'm sure that the victims and the families of those victims of terrorism don't always see it that way. I don't understand how a terrorist who kills people says that they're protecting people. How can you protect someone you've murdered...? Perhaps it's for the benefit of those who survive, but I disagree. The definition of terrorism is the use of violence in the pursuit of one's own gains...by means of violence usually means that someone ends up hurt, something ends up destroyed. It is a nice idea to think that chaos inevitably brings people together, that death and destruction makes people realize some deep meaning to blah, blah, blah, but is that really the case. Look at what happened on September 11th here in America. Yes it happened, people were sad, people came together to help one another, then crime against Americans of middle-eastern descent rose, then we went into a war that none of our allies back, a war that's still going on. They attacked, we attacked,...it's an ongoing cycle of violence and aggression that never ends and has no real benefit except to those with the skewed belief that they're making things better. Murder and destruction and chaos are never beneficial, not to anyone.

I don't know that the idea of terrorism has been romanticized by the media. We've certainly been seeing a lot of it. I'm not even sure if I read what you were trying to say correctly. I'm not sure what side of the fence your on with this issue, either. Maybe you're a Marxist, I don't know. I do know however that humanity should dedicate themselves to something more productive. Humans should be dedicating themselves to bettering the world, to searching for knowledge and wisdom, not acquiring more than everyone else. The possessions that we gain in this life are fleeting, but the knowledge that we pass on to future generations is immortal.

May humanity be endowed with the grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed,
Courage to change the things that should be changed,
And wisdom to distinguish between the two.
May we live one day at a time and enjoy each moment we are given,
Accepting hardships as a pathway to enlightenment,
So that we may find peace and attain wisdom in this life and the next.