Shocking, dreadful and horrifying


Active Member
I can't even say that's's just this country. Seriously stabbing people to death over an Xbox only after spending a day being "thankful" for what you have. My mother is a lawyer for the Wal-Mart corporation and she has to be in the store (in her district) on Black Friday every year all night in case anything like that happens. Every year I tell her to be careful and luckily she hasn't come home yet with any stories of people being murdered where she is, but when it does happen I won't be at all surprised. Americans are crazy! I stay in my bed on Black Friday and try to avoid leaving the house at all:confused:


Active Member

Q. Are your news stories real?

A. No. Our stories are purely fictional. However they are meant to address real-world issues through satire and often refer and link to real events happening in the world
That's good to know, but it still isn't as if it is something unheard of. There have been people trampled to death while shopping on black Friday. There have been people attacked while shopping because someone wanted what they had. The details of this story in particular may be fictional, but the story could certainly be based on a real situation.