Philippine urban legends


New Member
I just thought I'd share some, as most of my relatives live there and I've learned a lot from vacationing there.

The first involves a personal story. My Great-Aunt has the misfortune to have an odd disability. I don't know how to explain it other than her foot shrunk to the size of a baby's foot even while she is over 80 years old. According to the locals, this misfortune came about when she tripped over a little person. Yes, in the Philippines, there are little people, and they are quite the vengeful sort. They cast a curse on my Great-Aunt so that she'd never be able to trip over them again. There are still people in my family who believe this.


I grew up in the Philippines and I just love listening to all the urban legends and sharing them with my friends. They say it's all around the provinces but actually there are also a lot of them in Manila.

Most of them are about the colleges, like there's one very popular story about a certain well-known university where a teacher left the campus late and it was raining really hard so the guard decided to lock her in one of the classrooms for the night. She heard noises from outside so she peeked into the keyhole but saw only the color red. The next day the lady asked why the guard had covered the keyhole and he said he did not. On the way out, she ran into the janitor who asked her if she stayed over and she said she did. The janitor told her that she was brave since there have been stories of a lady ghost (popularly known as the White Lady) with red eyes roaming around the corridors at night and looking through keyholes.