Nbc show based on grimm's fairy tales


Has anyone else, seen previews for the new show Grimm? It debuts October 28th, on NBC. It looks pretty interesting. The show follows this guy, who is a homicide detective. He finds out the stories he were told as a kid (Grimm's Fairy Tales), were not stories, but warnings. He also finds out, he is a descendant of ancestors, who are suppose to protect humans from the supernatural. Grimm, is a very hard storyline to explain, but I hope the show is good. What are your thoughts on this new show, and where it could go?


New Member
If this is the show I'm thinking of it looks awesome! I love stuff like this, and I look forward to watching. My biggest problem is that I see a show on prime time that looks great, and I never remember to watch it because I hardly ever watch prime time television.


Well-Known Member
I am looking forward to it. Unfortunately it's on at the same time as Nikita, so I will have to record one of them. Which one, which one? Or, witch one?-? There is also another show, fairy tale based, premiering this Sunday, Once Upon A Time, witch also looks interesting.


I haven't heard about Grimm. I think it's great that a new genre is coming out. Between Grimm, American Horror and Once Upon a Time maybe we can finally get rid of the majority of so-called reality shows.


Active Member
I haven't heard about Grimm. I think it's great that a new genre is coming out. Between Grimm, American Horror and Once Upon a Time maybe we can finally get rid of the majority of so-called reality shows.


Active Member
Unfortunately it's on at the same time as Nikita
Dang, really? I already have to watch one show online only because it interferes with our schedules (The Good Wife) and now I need to add this one too. I am going to need to write a show list on my whiteboard to remember what I am watching and when because this one I really want to see.
I haven't heard about Grimm. I think it's great that a new genre is coming out. Between Grimm, American Horror and Once Upon a Time maybe we can finally get rid of the majority of so-called reality shows.
It would be a refreshing change; at the same time, I expect that this new genre (if it does indeed take off) will present many of the same problems as do films based mythology, i.e. "Thor and Loki weren't childhood buds!" and the like.

Either way, I'll be happy to see a few fairytale-themed programs aired.
I hadn't heard about this one, but I'm going to have to watch it. Fortunately, I don't watch Nikita so there won't be a conflict for me. I love this new genre!


The show was excellent! I hope you all got a chance to see it. That's why I like Comcast--the Good Wife and other shows are available whenever I want to watch them-almost like having free DVR.


Well-Known Member
I have PVR, so I recorded it. Haven't had a chance to watch it yet. Will soon (maybe tomorrow).