Modern retellings


New Member
Does anyone have any good book recommendations for modern retellings or versions of Norse mythology? I'm familiar with American Gods by Neil Gaiman, Summerland by Michael Chabon, and Runemarks by Joanne Harris. What others are out there?


Active Member
Kevin Crossley-Holland has a collection of retellings called The Norse Myths.
It has terrific notes and a great intro.
But he does not tell any of the legendary stories about the heroes.
For that, there is an old book by H. Guerber called Myths and Legends of the Norsemen.
It is a classic still in print. She retells just about everything!


If you are interested in Norse mythology, then help VuduPins Productions make a film based off of the Norse myths of Baldur's death. The film is called "Baldur's Dreams" and is centered around Odin, Frigg, Baldur, and Loki. Before we can begin filming, we need to raise funds. Please help us and go to this site and donate money. Spread the word and help this film get made. Every penny counts. Thanks!