

New Member
I often wondered how Medusa became so "untouchable". Thanks for sharing the link and the story. Grrek mythology is amazing and very interesting too. It's funny to think that Medusa was once a beauty and then she ended up the way she did.


I'm glad I read the article you linked, because based on your description, I couldn't figure out what Athena's problem was. Since Medusa claimed to be more beautiful and Athena was jealous, I can see why Athena was mad.

Quentin Woolery

New Member
I had never heard that before! Very interesting. I would not want to meet up with that lady anytime soon. I did like how they had Uma Thurman portray her in the Percy Jackson movie. Interesting!


New Member
Medusa is interesting in the way she impacts Greek culture. Many warriors, including Alexander the Great (even though he wasn't necessarily Greek), wore an emblem of Medusa's face on the chest of their armor as a kind of scare tactic, purely symbolic obviously.


Active Member
I love Medusa stories! Just about anytime it pops up in a story or movie I am just tickled about it. Every now & then my spouse tells me I can give off a Medusa look, then he runs in fear.


Active Member
Here's another version of the myth.
Medusa was described as the most beautiful woman in Athens.
Her sisters were Stheno and Euryale, but she was the most beautiful of the three. They were the daughters of the gods Phorcys and Ceto though, somehow, only Medusa was human, while the other two were immortal. They were all wise and were priestessess of Athena (Medus'a name comes from metis, meaning wisdom).
One day, because of Medusa's beauty, Poseidon saw her and became mad with lust; he went to Athena's temple and raped her. All three sisters became angry and when Athena found out she was as well. Because she was a virgin goddess it was a great sin for Medusa to have been raped and even moreso to have been raped in Athena's own temple. In a rage, Athena turned the sisters into monsters, but because it was Medusa's beauty that had gotten her raped, she made her so hideous that any man who looked upon her would be turned to stone. The sisters became so vicious toward men and took great pleasure in killing them until Persues dispatched the three.
After Medusa lost her head Pegasus leapt from her body (though some interpritations say it was Chrysaor, another winged horse-black I think) and so was born and taken to be raised by the Muses.
"Poseidon saw her and became mad with lust; he went to Athena's temple and raped her. All three sisters became angry and when Athena found out she was as well. Because she was a virgin goddess it was a great sin for Medusa to have been raped and even moreso to have been raped in Athena's own temple. In a rage, Athena turned the sisters into monsters, but because it was Medusa's beauty that had gotten her raped, she made her so hideous that any man who looked upon her would be turned to stone.

Poor Medusa, for me it wasn't her fault to be raped, Athena punished her instead of Poseidon, but why? Isn't it unfair? LOL
Why did Athena punished her instead of Poseidon? Is it because Poseidon is higher than her in terms of hierarchy (Zeus being the greatest, Poseidon the next, right? or they are just the same?) Same with Hera, she punished Zeus' lovers even though some of them are just victims (example is the poor Io).


Active Member
"Poseidon saw her and became mad with lust; he went to Athena's temple and raped her. All three sisters became angry and when Athena found out she was as well. Because she was a virgin goddess it was a great sin for Medusa to have been raped and even moreso to have been raped in Athena's own temple. In a rage, Athena turned the sisters into monsters, but because it was Medusa's beauty that had gotten her raped, she made her so hideous that any man who looked upon her would be turned to stone.

Poor Medusa, for me it wasn't her fault to be raped, Athena punished her instead of Poseidon, but why? Isn't it unfair? LOL
Why did Athena punished her instead of Poseidon? Is it because Poseidon is higher than her in terms of hierarchy (Zeus being the greatest, Poseidon the next, right? or they are just the same?) Same with Hera, she punished Zeus' lovers even though some of them are just victims (example is the poor Io).
In that time women didn't have much, but they did have their bodies, which they were to protect. It would be difficult for a father to find a suitable husband for his daughter if she were not a virgin. Didn't Artemis once punish one of her attendants for being raped? Hera punished several of the human women raped by her husband; poor Io most of all, in my opinion, or at least for the longest.
My first semester taking Anthropology we studied about a woman's place in the world. What we found was that, in many cultures even still today, there are still those who punish a woman if she is raped! The punishment can range from making her a social outcast amongst her people to sending her away; I couldn't say for certain whether a woman can still be put to death, but there are places in Africa alone where that once was not uncommon.
It's unfortunate that someone who has no choice in the matter could be punished for someone else's crime, but that is sometimes the way of things.


New Member
"......but because it was Medusa's beauty that had gotten her raped, she made her so hideous that any man who looked upon her would be turned to stone" was Poseidon's LUST that got her raped, not her BEAUTY. Good on Athena for having lustful guys turned to stone when they looked at her!


Active Member
"......but because it was Medusa's beauty that had gotten her raped, she made her so hideous that any man who looked upon her would be turned to stone" was Poseidon's LUST that got her raped, not her BEAUTY. Good on Athena for having lustful guys turned to stone when they looked at her!

Too bad she had to ruin Medusa and her sisters' lives to get back at lustful men.
I don't think it was just lustful men who were turned to stone. I'm pretty sure that several women fell prey to Medusa's curse.


Well-Known Member
Too bad she had to ruin Medusa and her sisters' lives to get back at lustful men.
I don't think it was just lustful men who were turned to stone. I'm pretty sure that several women fell prey to Medusa's curse.
Very likely. It was anyone who looked at Medusa who turned to stone, no specifics. The story I heard had Athene jealous of Medusa's beautiful hair, and having been compared to Athene, she turned Medusa's hair into a tangle of snakes as punishment. I forget where I heard that now. Some unreliable site I guess.


Active Member
Very likely. It was anyone who looked at Medusa who turned to stone, no specifics. The story I heard had Athene jealous of Medusa's beautiful hair, and having been compared to Athene, she turned Medusa's hair into a tangle of snakes as punishment. I forget where I heard that now. Some unreliable site I guess.
I remember hearing the hair myth as well. I couldn't say where I heard it though, perhaps another one of many Percy Jackson distortions.


Well-Known Member
I remember hearing the hair myth as well. I couldn't say where I heard it though, perhaps another one of many Percy Jackson distortions.
It wasn't Percy Jackson where I heard it. Never read those, and as I recall it was on the internet somewhere.


Active Member
Apparently according to some myths, Medusa was born in a place hidden away from the sun. She prayed to Athen that she might take her to a place where the sun shined, but the goddess refused. Medusa argued with Athena saying that the only reason the goddess refused was because she was jealous of Medusa's beauty. Because of this, the goddess turned Medusa into a monster. There are several others as well.