Disney Stories: Pinocchio


Disney Stories: Pinocchio

The original Pinocchio was written by an Italian educator named Carlo Lorenzini (using the name Carlo Collodi) in 1883. It was adapted by Disney at the cost of $2.5 million and released in 1940. Although it contains "some of the finest art and animation sequences ever produced," it wasn't a big hit. Of course, the Disney version and the original story were substantially different. Here are Him Morton's examples of how the tale was changed.

The Disney version.
  • Geppetto, a kindly old wood carver, makes a marionette named Pinocchio. Then he wishes (on a star) that the puppet were a real boy, so he could have a son.
  • Pinocchio is accosted by a fox and a cat -- two humorous con artists -- is sold to Stroboli, and sent to Pleasure Island, where dumb, selfish boys are turned into beasts. Pinocchio narrowly escapes being turned into a donky.He's
  • He is eventually reunited with Geppetto in the belly of a whale; Geppetto was swallowed while he was out looking for Pinocchio.
  • Pinocchio helps the wood carver escape, and for his unselfish he is turned into a real boy.
Original version:
  • Disney follows the main themes of the book, but skips over the grim moments from the original story.
  • Pinocchio hides his gold coins in his mouth, the cat attempts to force Pinocchio's mouth open withstory.When Pinocchio bites the cat's paw off and spits it out. While he's running away Pinocchio meets a zombie girl. Then the fox and cat hang him by the neck, trying to make him spit out the gold.In
  • the original book, the cricket has no name. It appears early in the story and is promptly smashed with a hammer by Pinocchio. Later in the tale, the cricket's ghost pops up as a sort of insect Obi Wan Kenobi, offering Pinocchio guidance (rarely heeded) as he goes on his journeys.
  • Pleasure Island (called Playland in the book), Pinocchio does turn into a donkey and is sold at the journeys. He is forced to perform in a circus before going lame. Then he's sold to a man who plans to us Pinocchio's skin to make a drum. The man tries to drop Pinocchio, but fish eat the donkey skin off him, revealing the puppet inside.
  • Pinocchio does rescue Geppetto, but from the belly of a shark, not a whale. This deed alone isn't enough to turn Pinocchio into a boy. He works from sunrise to sundown every day for five months before his wish is finally granted.


New Member
Well, the original version does have harsher and more violent imagery... wonder what would happen if Disney copied it word for word though...


New Member
Charming. The skin for the drum was really nice. Wow we were alot more savage in the past. I guess life was harsher lol. Talk about barbaric fairy tales.


New Member

Looking for older versions of the movie on vhs. I am not to fond of the new digitized versions. Thanks