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I've posted a thread before about bullying and asked whether or not you all think it is getting worse or not, or that if perhaps, it is just getting more attention from the media, and so seems like a more serious problem than it really is. Well I'm starting to see that it is worse, and maybe kids aren't the only ones to blame.
I was on my way to the mall today with the family, kids and grandparents included, when we drove past a Christian Academy. I was noting the fact that the children all wore uniforms-which I was thinking looked too hot for such weather-when I noticed a group of kids standing around one little boy on the ground. At first I was trying to run through a list of games I played as a kid-I was trying to think of what they could possibly be doing- when I realized that the group standing around the boy were actually kicking him! Not playfully, but beating this little mite of a kid! I point this out to my mother who pulls over immediately and gets out of the car-grandma to the rescue-and decides to run and protect the boy. As she's going toward them she notices a woman walking towards them as well. Now this woman-instructor-was walking at a snail's pace. She could have been counting the leaves as slow as she was going, meanwhile this little boy is huddled into a ball surrounded by at least five children. This angers my mother even more. She asks the instructor if everything is okay and points out that these children are fighting to which the instructor replies, "I know. I've got it". My mother, furious and back in the car, decides to call the police. We talk her out of it and leave. As we leave I notice three other instructors, men, standing around chatting. The woman had finally reached the kids by the time we were back on the road.
I had never seen anything like this! I was much more calm than everyone else, but I was enraged by this! Considering that I have young children, one of which will start school in only a couple of years, I was disconcerted to see this. Bullying is obviously a problem, but perhaps instructors have a part to play in this recent bullying epidemic. Maybe bullying has gotten to be so bad because children have been allowed to do it and have been getting away with it. Maybe instructors should be held at some level of responsibility when we hear about kids being prosecuted for bullying.