Being a witch and being wiccan are two different things


New Member
Wiccan is a religion, but many people just assume that anyone who is Wiccan is a witch. Witchcraft is a craft that has to be learned. While there may be Wiccans who actually are witches, not all Wiccans are.


That's very true, but I think the issue gets confused since so many Wiccans refer to themselves as witches. At least every Wiccan I've ever talked to has.
Wicca is a religion that embraces witchcraft, while witchcraft is just the practice of magic. And yeah, i have known Wiccan's refer to themselves as witches too.


New Member
I think that's where the confusion lies because so many Wiccans do proclaim themselves to be witches people outside the religion think that all Wiccans are witches too.


Active Member
I think some non-Wiccan witches call themselves Wiccans in order to dissociate themselves from Satanism (a religion unrelated to witchcraft or Wicca) and/or the Walt Disney stereotype (an evil old hag with a big wart on her nose). Ain't nothing wrong with being a witch or a Wiccan or both, is there? :rolleyes:


I always thought Wicca was a fascinating religion but unfortunately I can't literally believe in the gods and goddesses or that magic works. It's interesting to study though.


Working with the environment, which is what I understand Wiccans do, is not a bad thing. Our local history has many, many wise women or "grannies" who knew how to brew up a poultice or make a love charm. They knew nothing about being a witch or being a Wiccan, but everyone in the community would come to them for help since doctors were scare then.


Active Member
When you are a little of a few different things, then what are you? I know many stuck in this "pot" and are unable to give a name, and many have inherited the use of the same word.


New Member
In all the lit I've ever read the writers proclaim that 'members of wicca are refered to as witches or warlocks'. and since the religion is based on how attuned you are to nature and people around you the ability to manipulate those elements (magic) seem inherent in the religion. same as how when christians pray they bolster their own faith and make miricles (unlikely events that occure because of the power of faith(magic ;) )) occure but they arn't neccisarily 'saint's' or 'angels' . it seems to me that magic is inherent in religion because religion is about being connected to the universal power flow , (dieties, certain philosophies like yin/yang, karma, idk -this is just a loose theory)


Active Member
My personal issue is that I can relate to many and practice a handful, does that mean I am mixed when it comes to what I believe? Do I say I am Wiccan but also a Naturalist (Naturalism)? I think this is where the confusion comes in, too many people want labels, if they want it that bad my reply is simple: A nature witch.


Someone who practices witchcraft but pulls from different belief systems is called a green witch. I also would like to point out that there is a debate of whether wicca is an old religion or new and I go with the new. Magick has been practiced in so many different ways and wicca is indeed a religion. Another interesting thing is there is no devil or satan in wicca, they simply don't believe in it. People are what are good and evil in this world.