Search results

  1. H

    Multiples of three...

    I've found that when people pick numbers at random, they usually pick odd numbers. In certain areas of mythology, maybe five is too many and one isn't enough, so they pick three.
  2. H

    are they real

    Metaphorically speaking, vampires exist. I think it's due to some mental disease that just makes people crave blood. However, they won't die in sunlight or faint at the smell of garlic or anything like that.
  3. H

    Can someone tell me....

    Sorry, but no. They don't exist. As for if they existed, that's your opinion. Sure, lots of reptiles that could fly existed, but I'd hardly call them dragons. The classical fire-breathing dragon never existed. After all, if it could breath fire, it would burn its mouth, and therefore wouldn't be...
  4. H

    Story Telling Game-its Easy!

    Once upon a very dark time, an aged wizard named Phis Morgana, the son of Hiatus Morgana, was at work in his tower. To create a potion that would put the Prince out of perilous predicaments, Phis practically stumbled over the battlements on the
  5. H

    Name A Mythological Figure!

    You mentioned Zeus, so I'll say Hera (I think I'm spelling that right).
  6. H

    Story Telling Game-its Easy!

    Once upon a very dark time, an aged wizard named Phis Morgana, the son of Hiatus Morgana, was at work in his tower. To create a potion that would
  7. H

    Story Telling Game-its Easy!

    Once upon a very dark time, an aged wizard named Phis Morgana, the son of
  8. H

    What is your favorite tale from Greek Mythology?

    I like the story with Thesius (spelling?) and the minotaur.
  9. H


    That's very unlikely. Firstly, "a few straglers" would have to be a lot more than a few for every human to see them. Second, we would also have seen fossils from 60 million years ago till about 15,000 years ago, which obviously isn't the case.
  10. H

    Anyone else have a poster ...

    Poster of the Greek God Family Tree? That's BRILLIANT! I wish I thought of that. I think I'm going to print one right now :)
  11. H

    The Holy Grail

    I think it was just a little something to keep the Medieval knights busy. Probably entirely made up.
  12. H


    Would it be really small, really old, and stored in a little glass case? I think I've seen the same thing. I'm pretty sure it's at the Smithsonian.
  13. H

    Your favorite type of mythology

    I'd have to say Greek, followed by a few Anglo-Saxon myths.
  14. H

    Favorite Myth/Legend Animal

    Either a phoenix, simply because it's immortal, or a dragon because it's simply awesome.
  15. H

    Bedtime story

    I don't have little ones, in fact, if I was one or the other, I would be the little one. Anyway, I suppose it's a good idea, especially if the children in question are new to reading. Just make sure they don't become dependent you reading stuff for them.
  16. H

    Witches as the original feminists ...

    Nice idea, but you're probably wrong. Witches and... warlocks pretty much came about around the same time, but witch burnings became more popular than warlock burnings, so withces are better remembered. I doubt there's anything feminist about it.
  17. H

    Roman, Greek, or Norse?

    I would easily pick Greek. They were interesting and the morals from the myths were always useful.
  18. H

    Robin Hood

    I might be wrong, but I always thought he was fiction. However, the Robin Hood idea exists everywhere. Basically anyone who stands up to the powerful to help the rest of the people is a Robin Hood.
  19. H


    To be honest, I have no idea where these came from. I happen to know that there were a few insane monarchs who liked to drink blood, but they were human.
  20. H

    Atlantis do you believe?

    The best chance was that it was a small, relatively simple island in the Mediterranean Sea. Like most myths, it was exaggerated.