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  1. S

    Wicca: religion resurrected, or contrived myth?

    The more I look into things involving Wicca, the more I have to wonder about it's history. I've read up on many forms of religion, because myth plays such an important role in many of them. There's nothing concrete to prove that Wicca is based on older ways and beliefs that have been preserved...
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    Confusion regarding frigg and freya

    I can't lay my hands on the book I read about it in, but the links below speak to it... QUOTE: One explanation for the confusion of Frigg with Freya is that the latter was identical with the former amongst...
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    I've encountered a lot of really neat "omens" and superstitions about sightings/happenings/occurences .... a Welsh tidbit about finding a bird in your home but having no idea of how it got in: someone you love is about to die. Some of the older families in the British Isles have haints of...
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    Hauntings as urban legends

    It would appear that hauntings are considered Urban Legend in some areas. Having encountered paranormal activity (as well as a ghost!), I'm curious: has anyone had an otherworldly encounter that was part of the local lore?
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    I'm a skeptic, that is intrigued by myths and their origins. I know something of Norse and Greek mythologies, and a lot of the aboriginal lore from the Pacific Northwest.... some Inuk/Inuit/Ayeeskemo/Chip/Dene (northern). I've had firsthand encounters with ghosts and poltergeists, and they made...