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  1. C

    Another mirror urban legend

    I remember hearing that when I was younger and me and all my cousins would try this, but it never worked. There was always those two mean cousins that would say they did just to make us younger ones mad. I still bug them about it to this day!
  2. C

    Babies and mirrors?

    Gosh, that's a crazy myth if I ever heard one. I found out my oldest daughter's obsession with mirrors when she was about 4 months old. She was the baby that cried day and night. One night when she was crying, I went in the bathroom to grab something and she saw her reflection and stopped...
  3. C

    Do you belive in unicorns?

    Dinosaurs that spit poison? I haven't heard of that one. Why not fairies? Where did the stories of these mythical creatures start anyways, I have always wondered these things?
  4. C

    One question psychopath test

    So where do I fit in? My thought that the man ended up with her sister and so it would only make sense that she would kill her.
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    I wish I could find out more, but all my grandparents are passed and my parents don't know much more than up to their grandparents. The only thing I know for sure is that my maternal grandfather was born in Denmark.
  6. C

    Do you belive in unicorns?

    Thank you, I will! I appreciate that it's all just myth, but I live my life in whimsy and it's all about fun. I am not being selective, I only mentioned unicorns because that's what I like, but I do think there could have been fire breathing dragons and fairies. Why not?
  7. C

    Are the places real?

    I was helping my 10 year old daughter with her homework when she asked me a question, and not knowing much about mythology myself, I was stumped on what to say. She was wondering about the places, if they were based on actual locations?
  8. C

    Do you belive in unicorns?

    My family makes fun of me because I'm a grown woman and still believe in and collect unicorn figurines. When they say they don't exist because they've never seen one, I always reply with something like "just because you haven't seen something, doesn't mean it doesn't exist".
  9. C

    Breaking mirrors

    If I had 7 years of bad luck for every mirror I have broken, then I should not be as happy as I am. I always wondered where this one started.
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    The ogopogo

    Yes, it's a pretty cool story, especially when you hear it told right from the Native folks of the area. It makes it hard not to believe when they tell the story. I have spent many hours on that lake and still haven't caught a glimpse.
  11. C

    Third eye/sixth sense?

    I believe whole heartedly that this does exist. I don't have that gift myself, but I do believe I have a strong intuition and when I choose to open up and listen to it, I am usually bang on. I've been working on developing it, just for my own self awareness.
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    I think it's worse than ever and I'm glad people are taking a stand and learning how not to be a bystander. We need to talk to our kids and keep a close eye on their online accounts.
  13. C

    The muses!

    I am intrigued by the sister of Calliope, Melpomene, the muse of tragedy but was once known as the muse of singing. I wonder how this happened; why would she be one and then the other. I need to research this.
  14. C

    Favorite norse myth?

    Do you have a favorite Norse myth? All the one's I have read are funny and seem so far fetched, but I'm not sure the sources are good.
  15. C

    The ogopogo

    This story comes from The Okanagan Valley in British Columbia, Canada. Legend has it that a demon possessed man was sentenced to live as a lake monster to pay for his sins. I used to live in this area and haven't seen it, but who knows?
  16. C

    Twilight: like it ir not?

    Being a non-reader of fiction, I thought the books were well written for people like me. I am a person who would rather watch a movie than read, but this really sucked me in. My daughter, who is an avid reader, didn't care for them either so there must be something to it.
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    Pregnancy myths/old wives tales

    My friends and family tried all the tricks to figure out the sex of all three of my kids, the ring, the way I was carrying (low or high), the foods, etc... Every test was different and I had 3 girls, so I don't believe in them.
  18. C

    Did you fear them?

    I can't think of one in particular, but I believed everything anyone ever told me. I have to have my feet covered in bed, even in summer because I'm still afraid being grabbed (like a sheet will save me!). I am almost 40 and have a night light in the bathroom.
  19. C

    How were you introduced to mythology?

    I was introduced in my late 20's by a friend. I never paid any attention in school, so it is a whole new fantastical world for me!